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Akers Farm

Canna Lily "Black Knight"

Canna Lily "Black Knight"

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
Sale Sold out
You are purchasing an extremely fast growing/self replicating Black Knight Canna Lily.  These are potted in 4 inch pots and are extremely well rooted. These will die back every winter and come back stronger every year.  Growers Choice on the specific plant as these grow too quickly to keep accurate photos.

Hatching eggs

Hatching eggs are collected freshly 2-4x a day. We only offer hatching eggs if we are able to collect your eggs within 5 total days. Typically, we can collect your order in as little as 1-2 days. However, we may have multiple orders when you place your order, so please check the processing times on each breeds description. We typically pull the inventory on a specific breed if the wait will be longer than a month. If you need a better estimate please contact us directly.


Hatching eggs are shipped individually wrapped in bubble wrap. Each egg is placed into an egg carton, which is also bubble wrapped. This box is filled with shredded paper for buffer. The box is then placed into a second, larger box and buffered. This allows the best hatch rate.

Plants are shipped Monday-Wednesday only. They are packaged in rolled cardboard and poly fill to avoid breakage.

Care information

Hatching eggs should be treated as described in our hatching guide.

Plants should be kept in their pots and allowed 1-2 weeks to acclimate to your home prior to repotting.

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